Traffic laws are very important to ensure the safety of all on the road. Therefore, there is a need for well-designed traffic laws that cater to all the issues related to traffic. In the past, the UAE has faced a lot of problems due to traffic. However, now UAE is keen to address the traffic-related issues. UAE is home to state-of-the-art infrastructure with stringent traffic laws for all. It is important to maintain a better flow of traffic and to ensure the safety of the general public. To address this serious matter, punitive measures and penalties are accompanied by the violators. The UAE traffic laws have helped to reduce the number of accidents. We have the top lawyers in Dubai to explain and teach traffic laws. To teach means to provide, legal knowledge.
Laws: A Motivation and
Furthermore, these laws are made with the motive to encourage vehicle drivers to drive safely and adhere to the laws. Recently, changes to the traffic laws have been made to align the local laws with international best standards.
Traffic Laws
The UAE traffic laws are generally governed under the Federal laws of 1995. It was subject to frequent changes from time to time. The federal laws are applicable in all 7 states of UAE. They cover a wide range of traffic matters. It covers issues like speeding, driving under the influence, seatbelt usage, pedestrian safety, and much more. The UAE traffic laws are carefully designed to minimize fatal accidents and improve the overall road safety. Furthermore, some of the key features of traffic laws include the following:
Speed Limits
Speed limits in the AUE vary depending upon the location, type of road, and the kind of vehicle. The speed limit boards are placed in almost all roads across the UAE. For urban, residential, highways, commercial, and rural areas the speed limit differs. For urban areas, the speed limit fluctuates between 40 to 60 km per hour.
On the other hand for highways across the UAE, the speed limit is between 100 to 140 km per hour. Whereas for residential areas the speed limit is fixed at around 25 to 40 km per hour. All these speed limit differs from place to place for better road safety. Our attorneys and legal consultants can also explain you better about this. We are No.1 Dubai Law Firm for providing consultations on traffic laws.
Speed Cameras
Additionally, speed cameras are placed around the road to monitor the speed limit. The installation of speed cameras was extensively scrutinized to ensure compliance with the speed limit. However, any violation of the speed limit can result in hefty fines and substantial charges for the violators.
According to the speed limit the fines are imposed. Those who exceed the speed limit by 20 km per hour have to pay a fine of AED 300. In addition, those who exceed 30 km per hour are obliged to pay AED 600. Anyone exceeding the speed limit by 40 km per hour will pay a charged of up to AED 700.
Additionally, those who exceed 80 km per hour or above will pay a substantial fine of AED 3,000. Moreover, it will allow the driver to earn 23 black points which can lead to a risk of license suspension. The latest info can be grabbed either from websites or our lawyers can also help you.
Seatbelt Laws
There are proper seatbelt laws. According to the UAE traffic laws all the passengers including the back seats are obliged to wear the seatbelts during the drive. Any failure to comply with the rule will lead to huge charges of AED 400. This will further allow the driver to earn 4 black points over the driver’s license.
Lane Discipline
Lane discipline is given key importance to ensure road safety. The drivers are bound to follow the lanes in highways and other roads in the UAE. Any changes, frequent changes, or reckless driving can lead to substantial fines. The fines can go up to AED 800 plus the driver will earn 4 black points in the license.
Use of Phone
The use of cell phones while driving is strictly forbidden. Only, hand-free devices are allowed while driving. These violations can lead to a heavy fine of AED 800. It will further lead a driver to earn 4 black points.
Pedestrian Safety
Pedestrian safety is equally important and thus it is secured as per the law. Anyone who fails to give way to pedestrians at designated crossings will face legal consequences. They have to pay heavy charges of AED 500 and it will allow the driver to earn 6 black points.
Drunk Driving
Drunk driving or driving under the influence of any drug or alcohol is considered to be a serious criminal offense. The criminal offender will face serious legal repercussions. It will lead to license suspension along with a hefty fine by the UAE courts. Moreover, it can lead to a jail sentence as well along with a fine that can go up to AED 3000.
Child Safety
Child safety is an integral part of traffic laws in the UAE. The government of UAE is committed to ensuring road safety for children, toddlers, infants, and small kids. Therefore, children below the age of 10 are not permitted to sit in the front row with the driver.
This traffic law is made it ensure the security of the children while driving. Besides, toddlers and infants who are 4 and below must be seated properly in a child’s car sat in a vehicle. Any violation of these laws can lead to a fine of AED 400.
Black Point System
Black Points System has been employed to further strengthen road safety. The black point system is used to monitor and penalize repeat traffic offenders. The assigned number of black points indicated the history and track record of the driver. On 24 black points, the driving license may be confiscated, suspended, or revoked.
UAE has taken up the policy of zero-tolerance in traffic laws. AUE is adamant about dangerous driving behaviors. There have been reports of severe accidents and many fatalities in the past when the traffic laws in the UAE were less strict.
Nowadays, UAE traffic laws allow for the efficient maintenance of road traffic. Strict penalties are imposed on offenders and violators. The traffic laws are normally based on international best practices, which have earned UAE respect, name, and reputation for their commitment, dedication, and efforts to battle a serious issue effectively.