How To Half Swipe On Snapchat?

Half-swiping on Snapchat is a technique that lets you partially open a message in a conversation without triggering the “opened” notification. Normally, when you view a message on Snapchat, the sender is notified that you have seen it. Half-swiping avoids this by allowing you to peek at the message without fully opening the chat.

Half Swipe Snapchat Guide

Step 1: Open Snapchat and Navigate to Your Chats

Open the Snapchat app on your phone. On the home screen, swipe right to access your chat list, which contains all your active conversations.

Step 2: Locate the Message You Want to Half-Swipe

Scroll through your chat list and find the message you want to read. Make sure not to tap the message directly, as this will open it fully and notify the sender.

Step 3: Begin Swiping Slowly

Place your finger on the conversation and swipe right slowly. You want to swipe just enough to reveal part of the conversation window but stop before you reach the middle of the screen. The key is to only partially open the message, so it doesn’t trigger the “opened” status.

Step 4: Peek at the Message

As you drag your finger across the screen, you will see a preview of the message. Read the portion that appears without letting go of the screen. Once you’ve seen what you need, slide your finger back to the left and release.

Step 5: Confirm the Message is Unread

To ensure you have successfully half-swiped, check if the chat still has a notification dot or the “New Chat” label beside it. If it does, you’ve managed to view the message without notifying the sender. Also check the new feature snapchat planets

How To Half Swipe On Snapchat?

Risks and Limitations

While half-swiping is a clever trick, there are some potential risks:

  1. Accidental Full Swipe: If you accidentally swipe too far, the message will fully open, and the sender will receive a read receipt.
  2. Snapchat Updates: Snapchat may remove or change how this feature works in future updates, making it essential to stay updated on app changes.
  3. Glitches: Occasionally, glitches may cause the app to incorrectly register a half-swipe as a full swipe.

Half-swiping on Snapchat is a useful trick to keep your conversations in check without the pressure of replying right away. Just remember to swipe carefully and watch for any updates that may affect this feature. Whether you’re using half-swipe or other methods like Airplane Mode, there are plenty of ways to stay discreet on Snapchat!